Monthly Archives: October 2011

Quinn ignores calls for public hearing on pipeline

“Quinn has ignored thousands of petitions calling for action on Spectra, and on radon. Over the past 2 years, multiple groups have been politely lobbying her staffers for attention to these issues. They’ve been asked for one simple measure: that City Council conduct a hearing, something completely within their authority, no sweat off their noses, to allow residents and experts an opportunity to explain and explore the issue. And that’s been too much for Chris Quinn.”

Posted in Abuse of power, Assault On Democracy |

No agency oversight

“Agency oversight has rarely been strong in the council, but under Quinn, it is an oxymoron.”

Posted in Backroom Deals, Dirty Politics |

Quinn’s top lieutenants – slush funds

“Every year, the Council sets aside $50 million to give to favored groups and causes. The spending is unnecessary and serves, in effect, as reelection campaign financing. Worse, Speaker Christine Quinn apportions these so-called member items so as to reward loyalists and punish independent-minded members. Still worse, the program has been rife with ripoffs. To add a veneer of respectability, Quinn established rules that are supposed to ensure that money does not go awry. For example, recipients are supposed to be nonprofit groups that are registered as such with the Internal Revenue Service. Well, Daily News reporter Ben Lesser did some checking. He discovered that 27 Council members, a majority, had tried to direct a total of $300,000 to 39 groups whose nonprofit status had been revoked by the IRS. The offenders included Leroy Comrie, Lew Fidler and Domenic Recchia — all top Quinn lieutenants.”

Posted in Piggy Bank, Slush Funds |