Category Archives: Kills veto-proof bills

Quinn blocks sick leave bill

“Despite having enough votes to pass Speaker Quinn, who has mayoral aspirations, has not allowed the (sick leave) bill, introduced by Councilwoman Gale Brewer (D-Manhattan), to be voted on.”

Posted in Assault On Democracy, Kills veto-proof bills, Obstructs Human Rights, Workers |

Gloria steinem letter on sick leave

In an open letter to Christine Quinn, who has refused to allow a vote on the sick leave bill, which has a veto-proof majority of sponsors, Gloria Steinem wrote, “A majority of the City Council members support this bill. We ask you to take the lead and set an exampleof letting the democratic process work. Please give New York women ± and all New Yorkers the guarantee that if they or their children get sick this year they will not lose a day’s pay or their job. We respectfully urge you to bring Intro 97 to a vote.”

Posted in Assault On Democracy, Kills veto-proof bills |

Quinn prevents bills w/veto-proof majority from being voted on

“In order to pass, a bill needs at least 26 Council Member votes. Since she took office as Speaker, Christine Quinn has prevented debate, not to mention a vote, on at least 13 bills with 26 or more sponsors, and at least 34 bills with more than 20 sponsors. These include bills that would promote the welfare of New Yorkers.”

Posted in Assault On Democracy, Kills veto-proof bills, Uncategorized |

Gloria Steinem

“A majority of the City Council members support this bill. We ask you to take the lead and set an example of letting the democratic process work.”

Posted in Assault On Democracy, Kills veto-proof bills |

prevented debate

“Since she took office as Speaker, Christine Quinn has prevented debate, not to mention a vote, on at least 13 bills with 26 or more sponsors, and at least 34 bills with more than 20 sponsors.”

Posted in Assault On Democracy, Kills veto-proof bills |


“Against the wishes of a veto-proof majority in the City Council, the Council speaker, Christine Quinn, effectively shelved a much-debated bill.”

Posted in Kills veto-proof bills |